The Nisga’a Growth CORPORATION


The Nisga'a Growth Corporation


The Nisga’a


The Nisg̱a’a Growth Corporation is an economic entity owned by the Nisg̱a’a Nation, with a mandate to seek and develop economic opportunities for the prosperity and economic well-being of the Nisg̱a’a Nation and all Nisg̱a’a citizens. This mandate is addresses through five specific goals:

Nisg̱a’a Growth Corporation is mandated to seek opportunities in alignment with the laws and practices of Ayuukhl Nisg̱a’a and in the spirit of Saytk'ilhl Wo'osim, or common bowl

Say't K'ilim Goot
One heart, One path, One nation

NGC Is Hiring

NGC is a growing corporation, and a key component of our success is our employees. We prioritize the hiring of Nisg̱a’a citizens and Indigenous individuals, and encourage you to reach out to learn more about opportunities available, and potential pathways to reach your career goals.

Click below to discover our current employment and contract opportunities.

Board Of Directors

Nisg̱a’a Growth Corporation (NGC) is governed by a Board of Directors, appointed by the sole shareholder – Nisg̱a’a Lisims Executive (NLG), representing Nisg̱a’a citizens. The major role of the board is to select a Chief Executive Officer and ensure sound governance and direction for NGC in meeting its mandate as directed by the Wilp Sìayuukhl Nisg̱a’a (WSN) Economic Prosperity Strategic Plan (EPSP) that identifies the vast potential within the Nation’s natural, cultural, human and financial resources.

Press Releases, Announcements And More

NGC NEWS & Career