About Us


The Nisga'a Growth Corporation



Nisg̱a’a Growth Corporation is operated by management, with a Chief Executive Officer appointed and governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government Executive. 

Arthur Mercer

Arthur Mercer, Sim’oogit Galga, has 30 years’ experience in areas of government, economic development as well as business operations that include public companies as well as private sector development. 

Arthur has led and executed complex joint ventures, bringing together diverse community economic and business development leaders. He previously managed, as Chief Executive Officer, the Nisg̱a’a Commercial Group of companies. Prior to this, he was the Economic Development Coordinator for the Nisg̱a’a Lisims’ Government.

He has extensive experience on both private and public entity boards.

With his broad experience in resource and infrastructure development, Arthur continues to network with the private sector, industry, educational institutions and governments in developing strategic economic development partnerships that incrementally improve on business development and capacity building.