In 2023, NGC issued a call to Nisga’a artists to submit their ideas for a logo for NGC which represented both growth and the common bowl. Many outstanding submissions were received, and the NGC Board of Directors and Communication Committee are honoured to present the new NGC logo, and the story of its creation:
“I chose to create the logo in formline, because not only is that our main way of doing our two-dimensional design in the Northwest coast, but it’s also very meaningful to us as Nisga’a people. I do most of my design work in formline, or carvings, which is very synonymous with our Nisga’a heritage.
The design has three elements that are visible at first glance: the person, the cedar hat, and the bowl (the common bowl). When designing a logo, everything has to have a nice cohesive balance. The person, who is wearing traditional regalia, could represent any gender. The hat is a traditional cedar hat, which is often worn by women but is also worn by men.
The bowl being held up by the person represents the common bowl, with the circle in the bowl representative of growth, with the colours highlighting the concept of growth in nature. It reminds me of all the times that we gather in any form, and of our feasts, and our protocols. We stand together and we give money and assist with everything that is important to us.
It shows how we stay as a strong community through coming together. The common bowl is collectively everyone putting in to try and help out the entire community and that’s what is happening in all of our laws and protocols. It is a good representation of this part of our culture. Some people may also be reminded of the Hoobiyee moon when they look at this design, something that is also part of our heritage.
I really enjoyed making this design, it is a little different than my other designs with how it’s purposely not symmetrical, though it is still well balanced.”
Nisg̱a’a Fine Artist
Kari Morgan K’alaajex